Friday, September 24, 2010

CourseWork Marks for Sep 2010 Exam

Here are your coursework marks for the following subjects:

Your final coursework marks are in green. And as usual, the marks here are unofficial. Offical marks/grades are only released by the Exam Department.

Sorry for the delay, folks.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Half-Day Leave

Please note that I'll be on half-day leave this Friday (25 June 2010). Students that want to meet me should come in the morning as I will not be around in the afternoon.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Diploma IT TimeTable for Semester Beginning May 2010

This is the latest DIT timetable, also updated with rooms.

Friday, April 30, 2010

CourseWork Marks for May 2010 Exam

Here are your Coursework Marks for the following subjects:

Several things to note:
For IT102/CS1201:

  1. The green column is your final Coursework Marks. The (/50) simply means that your Coursework accounts for 50% of your subject grade total.
  2. To pass your Coursework component, you need to have 17.5 marks or higher in the CW column (shaded green).
  3. The marks here are unofficial. Official marks/grades are only released by the Exam Unit.

For IT109 and IT205:

  1. The green column is your final Coursework Marks. The (/40) simply means that your Coursework accounts for 40% of your subject grade total.
  2. To pass your Coursework component, you need to have 14 marks or higher in the CW column (shaded green).
  3. The marks here are unofficial. Official marks/grades are only released by the Exam Unit.

If you have any questions, please post them in the comments section below, or come and see me directly.

*Edited 5 May 2010: I've re-graded those students with borderline marks, enabling them to pass the CW component.

*Edited 6 May 2010: Updated the IT205 CW marks for a few students.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Exam Week Moved Forward

Attention all Diploma in IT students!

Please note that your exam week has been moved forward by one week.

It will now begin from 3 May 2010 - 15 May 2010.