Are our youths so completely hopeless? Can they not follow simple instructions that have been given to them again and again?
Case in point - my current IT102/CS1201 students.
I have given them very specific instructions on how to submit their lab assignments to me through e-mail.
- I have given them the instructions in class (repeatedly, week after week after week).
- I have also given them the same instructions on my web page here.
- I have also given them instructions again through e-mails when they make mistakes while e-mailing me their first lab assignments.
Yet, a number of them are still making stupid mistakes when submitting their lab assignments. And this is pissing me off. Really, my patience is wearing thin.
Shall we look at my instructions and see if they are really so impossible to follow? Let's see:
- Submission dates of the respective lab assignments will be given in class.
- Please submit no later than 5 pm on the day of submission to my hotmail account: Late submissions will NOT be accepted (read ZERO marks); unless you have a very good reason. Please don't tell me that your dog ate your computer...
- Each lab assignment is to be submitted in ONE email. Attach all your .cpp files ONLY to that ONE email. The subject of the email must state the lab number that you are submitting.
- Include your name and student ID in every email that you send to me.
What? Only 4 steps to follow? You must be kidding me? It takes more steps than that to make myself a bowl of instant noodles!!! And some of these students drive themselves to college??!! No wonder road accidents are at an all-time high. How do you expect them to follow the huge multitude of traffic rules when they cannot even follow my simple instructions?